FOR ARCHIVING: Registration form for 'saigon' --- LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Chung Le 2. E-mail address of requester: chungvle& 3. Record Requested: Type: variant Subtag: saigon Description: The Sài Gòn variant of Vietnamese Prefix: vi 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: vi-saigon indicates the Sài Gòn variant of Vietnamese. 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): "Statistical Analysis of Vietnamese Dialect Corpus and Dialect Identification Experiments" by Pham Ngoc Hung, Trinh Van Loan and Nguyen Hong Quang ( In this paper, the three main variants (called dialects in the paper) are discussed: Hà Nội, Huế and Hồ Chí Minh City. 6. Any other relevant information: The third variant is called Hồ Chí Minh City in the paper. Hồ Chí Minh City is the current name of the city formerly called Sài Gòn. The third dialect is well known among Vietnamese people as Sài Gòn, and has been in use long before the new name Hồ Chí Minh city. In other words, Sài Gòn as a variant predates Hồ Chí Minh City. Therefore, this request proposes a subtag named Sài Gòn instead of Hồ Chí Minh City.