(last updated 2007-11-06) LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Frank Ellermann 2. E-mail address of requester: nobody at xyzzy.claranet.de 3. Record Requested: Type: Language Subtag: nds Description: Low German Description: Low Saxon Description: German, Low Description: Saxon, Low Prefix: Preferred-Value: Deprecated: Suppress-Script: Latn Comments: 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: n/a (no change) 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): n/a (no change) 6. Any other relevant information: nds is written in the Latin script like lb, gsw, and de. Sample: http://www.omniglot.com/writing/lowgerman.htm (file created 2007-11-06)