LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Doug Ewell 2. E-mail address of requester: doug at 3. Record Requested: Type: region Subtag: 021 Description: Northern America Comments: Does not include Caribbean (029) or Central America (013); see also 003 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): UN M.49, a source standard for BCP 47. 6. Any other relevant information: This registration adds a Comments field to the existing region subtag 021 for "Northern America," which was included in the original Language Subtag Registry in 2005, and whose meaning is unchanged by this registration. Due to the addition of region subtag 003 for the similar-sounding name "North America," this comment is intended to help users distinguish between the two. The definitions of "North America" and "Northern America" are taken from UN M.49.