Template from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5395
When ready for formal consideration, this template is to be submitted
to IANA for processing by emailing the template to
A. Submission Date:
30, June 2009
B. Submission Type:
[ ] Modification to existing RRTYPE
C. Contact Information for submitter:
Name: Wouter Wijngaards
Email Address: wouter&nlnetlabs.nl
International telephone number: +31 20 888 4551
Other contact handles: -
(Note: This information will be publicly posted.)
D. Motivation for the new RRTYPE application?
Please keep this part at a high level to inform the Expert and
reviewers about uses of the RRTYPE. Remember most reviewers
will be DNS experts that may have limited knowledge of your
application space.
A double linked list of names that contain specific DNSKEY data at
those names. The type is to be used by applications that maintain trust
anchors for DNS validators. The DNSKEY data is used to rollover trust
anchors to the current key. Therefore they must know the start and end
of the list, and be able to move forwards and backwards through the list.
E. Description of the proposed RR type.
This description can be provided in-line in the template, as an
attachment, or with a publicly available URL:
The RR is a data type, can be handled as an RFC3597 unknown record.
No additional section processing.
The rdata is two domain names, presentation format is the two
domain names, wireformat the two domain names in uncompressed form.
The type is used to link domain names.
TALINK _start_ _end_ for the list head and
TALINK _prev_ _next_ for linking the elements.
To end the list, the root label '.' is used to denote the endpoints.
Thus, the root can be the list head, but not a list element.
This is fine, saves space and is less complex than other solutions
for flagging list endpoints or an empty list.
F. What existing RRTYPE or RRTYPEs come closest to filling that
need and why are they unsatisfactory?
RP has two domain names but it means 'Responsible Person'.
MINFO has two domain names but means 'Machine Information'.
These types are compressed, which is nice.
The PTR type is the right concept, but has only one domain
name in its rdata, and I need two. If I use two PTRs then
the validator cannot distinguish the previous and next pointer,
because the ordering of RRs in an RRset is not fixed.
Another alternative is using PTR records at _start, _end, _prev and
_next prefixes for disambiguation. Prefixes limit the domains that
can be used because of the max domain name length. This is
the alternative I would consider if this application is denied.
G. What mnemonic is requested for the new RRTYPE (optional)?
Note: This can be left blank and the mnemonic decided after the
template is accepted.
TALINK (Trust Anchor LINK).
H. Does the requested RRTYPE make use of any existing IANA
Registry or require the creation of a new IANA sub-registry in
DNS Parameters?
If so, please indicate which registry is to be used or created.
If a new sub-registry is needed, specify the allocation policy
for it and its initial contents. Also include what the
modification procedures will be.
I. Does the proposal require/expect any changes in DNS
servers/resolvers that prevent the new type from being
processed as an unknown RRTYPE (see [RFC3597])?
no changes.
J. Comments:
[expert note: the approval of this application was contemporary
with the draft http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wijngaards-dnsop-trust-history-02]